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Frozen Dessert Industry & Machine Articles — soft serve

Maquinas De Helado Y Postres Congelados: Enfriado Con Aire O Hidráulicamente

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- Click Here For English - ¿Enfriado Hidráulicamente O Con Aire? En este vídeo, Joe Kearns (uno de los dueños de Slices Concession), nos explica la diferencia entre dos maquinas de helado soft serve: una maquina enfriada hidráulicamente y la otra enfriada con aire.   Cuando estés pensando en agregar una maquina de postres congelados a su negocio o empezar un negocio nuevo de postres congelados, una de las primeras cosas que debería considerar es: El tipo de producto que quiera servirle a sus clientes Las especificaciones particulares de la maquinas que mejor ayudan cumplir sus necesidades (Trifásica o monofásica,...

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How To Make Mouth Watering Dairy-Free Vegan Ice Cream At Home

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While this isn't the traditional "hard ice cream", you won't be disappointed with an ice bowl of flavorless frozen dessert substitute ingredients. The vegan ice cream we are about to make is the real thing. Since it's vegan it is made dairy-free and without eggs! We share with you a great vegan ice cream base recipe made by Megan Gordon, Writer & Recipe extraordinaire. *Disclaimer: Please do note, there is no magic needed to prepare this ice cream (If you have not done so, please call the local witch doctor and tell him his services will no longer be needed). How's...

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The Profit in Ice Cream

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If you're a business owner considering whether or not to purchase an ice cream machine, the price tag plays a large role in your decision. But something businesses don't always consider is the high profit margin between the cost of ice cream and the selling price. To remedy that, let's compare two types of ice cream mix, and their profit margins. We'll assume a 4 oz. cone is for sale in both situations, and charge $2 for a 4 oz. cone. We'll also assume that we sell 50 cones in a day and that there are 30 days in a month....

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Taylor C707 Ice Cream Machine Guide with Features

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Overview  The Taylor C707 is one of the most popular machines. Great for small businesses looking to add a menu item to increase profits. Taylor Company has served ice cream shops since 1926. Their ice cream machines are well known and used all across the world. They do business in over 125 countries. Offering popular soft serve variations including low or non-fat ice creams, yogurt, custards, and sorbet. Giving you the option for 2 separate flavors or an equal combination of both in a twist. Features: Freezing Cylinder: One, 3.4 quart (3.2 liter) Mix Hopper: One, 20 quart (18.9 liter)....

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How Frozen Lemonade Increases Your Profits

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 At the International Independent Showmen's Association (IISA) convention in Gibsonton, FL, we showed concessionaires and carnival folk how to use frozen drink machines (Taylor 430 and 340) to serve frozen lemonade. The energy we got from the crowd was fantastic & they loved to see how a frozen drink machine works. The great part about serving frozen lemonade is that it's cheap, people love it on a hot day, & profit margins are huge, plus you can easily find all the ingredients at your local supermarket. You can sell a 12 oz frozen product for $3-4 and your product cost will...

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