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Frozen Dessert Industry & Machine Articles — ice cream machines

How To Make Ice Cream A Healthy Alternative Snack

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“Americans’ growing awareness of sugar content is clearly playing out in their selection of many products, ice cream included. Innovative food manufacturers are capitalizing on those consumer desires by creating reduced-sugar frozen treats that still deliver a rich, decadent experience.” ( Ice cream is seen to many Americans as a snack that both is delectable, but coming with a hefty amount of calories and unwanted sugar. Fortunately the frozen dessert industry realized that in order to keep sales static, they needed to find alternatives. Frozen yogurt shops are undoubtedly just as, if not more popular as ice cream shops. From...

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What Types Of Machines Should I Buy For My Bar?

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When opening a bar there are ample things one must buy to ensure the bar’s success. An ample range of different liquors is a must, as well as a theme geared towards your clientele. But most importantly, in order to to get drinks to customers in a hasty manner as well as ensure the best quality, picking out a great frozen drink machine for those hot summer nights will be sure to make your venue a hit! Frozen drink machines give the highest level of profit margin in a bar. A frozen drink is a premium product and can be...

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Cleaning & Maintaining A Taylor 340 / 390 Machine

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In this post we will walk you through the steps necessary to clean your Taylor 340 and 390 frozen beverage / slushy machine parts. Notes: There are no tools necessary for the disassembly and reassembling of the machine, everything can be done by hand. Slush machine parts should not be placed into a dishwasher for cleaning, everything should be washed by hand. Disassembling The Machine Step 1 Make sure you drain the machine completely of its product mix. Press wash mode button on machine to eject product, then to flush the product pour a gallon of warm/ hot water into the hopper....

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