SR Food Group
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His favorite part of the experience is being able to bring products that customers want, also being able to creating new products like soft serve acai bowls and more in demand products that fall under the frozen dessert umbrella. What sparked the interest to create healthier products for the consumer was when local school districts asked the company to develop something for the students that would be healthier than soda machines.
Tom’s favorite authentic frozen yogurt product that they have to offer is a gelato base that customers can use as a blank canvas to play off of. They also have a very popular soft serve line that goes by Summit Premium. They plan to use oat milk in their products in the future. With their organic products being wildly popular, the addition of oat milk should be a great hit. The best technological innovation Tom would like to see is a machine function that allows you to get a bacterial count while product is in the hopper and a possible in house swab kit.
Are you interested in opening your own frozen dessert venue? Here at Slice’s Concession we have a wide assortment of frozen dessert machinery that can further enhance the experience of your venue. Whether it be a low volume countertop model to add a few additional menu items, or a full standing model to carry you through your grand opening and beyond. We are the number one distributor in the nation of used ice cream and commercial frozen drink makers. We feature popular brands such as Taylor, Stoelting, and Carpigiani. We have machines with both single and three phase capability, as well as air or water cooled. Our experts will help guide you in picking the best machine for your venue. With an east coast and west coast office, as well as stellar reviews on both Facebook and Google, you will see why we are trusted as the best. Visit our website, or if you are in the area, set up an appointment to stop by!
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