Asian Inspired
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With there being numerous amounts of food conventions in Asia, there has been a substantial amount of notability in the Asian ice cream market. A huge trend that is beginning to emerge is the Hong-Kong style bubble waffle ice cream cone. Not familiar? It is similar to a Belgian waffle, however with the ultimate twist! Each bubble is filled with cream or chocolate and topped with ice cream and toppings such as chocolate, candy, fruit, and baked treats.
A huge trend that has emerged is taiyaki. Taiyaki is a Japanese fish shaped cake. It is supposed to replicate a Japanese sea bream. This treat has been especially popular in New York City, with a landmark being Taiyaki NYC, a popular venue birthed in Williamsburg. This dessert has also been particularly popular on Instagram. Soft serve ice cream is put into the mouth of this fish shaped cone. You can add toppings such as sprinkles, chocolate chips, cookie crumbles, and even cereal!
Two big flavors that are inspired by Asian culture are ube and matcha. Matcha is a velvety smooth and slightly sweet flavor that proves to be a great addition to any dessert menu due to it's subtlety and refreshing flavor palette. Consider it an earthy flavor of green tea. A majority of it is flown in from Kyoto.
Ube has a slightly nutty vanilla flavor. It is derived from the ube vegetable, the kin to the sweet potato. This treat is mostly popular for its color and being similar to vanilla, you also have a wide range of toppings that can compliment its simple flavor. We hope this article is helpful in helping you bring more flavor options and Asian style ice cream concepts to your venue! For further help with machinery please visit us at
Are you interested in opening your own frozen dessert venue? Here at Slice’s Concession we have a wide assortment of frozen dessert machinery that can further enhance the experience of your venue. Whether it be a low volume countertop model to add a few additional menu items, or a full standing model to carry you through your grand opening and beyond. We are the number one distributor in the nation of used ice cream and frozen drink machines. We feature popular brands such as Taylor, Stoelting, and Carpigiani. We have machines with both single and three phase capability, as well as air or water cooled. Our experts will help guide you in picking the best machine for your venue. With an east coast and west coast office, as well as stellar reviews on both Facebook and Google, you will see why we are trusted as the best. Visit our website, or if you are in the area, set up an appointment to stop by!
* Follow all local and national health codes. Always refer to local and national rules. This article is just a suggestion.
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