Spotlight Piece: R N A Ice Cream
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Slices Concession interviewed Ralph from R n A Ice Cream, a popular ice cream truck in New York City. He searched online and found out about Slices Concession due to seeing the great reviews. Ralph states that Slices Concession is the fastest company to get in touch with.
Ralph's main point of contact was with managing partner, Chino Leong. "The buying process was very smooth," says Ralph, "even though Slices Concession is located states away." Ralph got into the ice cream industry while working in a school district where he realized the local area had no ice cream trucks. Ralph decided to open his own. His favorite part of being in the frozen dessert industry is that frozen treats makes everyone happy. He started off with novelties such as popsicles and ice cream sandwiches, he then decided to gear toward soft serve ice cream due to its versatility in taste palettes. And that’s where Slices came in!
Working in New York City, there is certainly lots of competition. That is why it is so important to have a quality soft serve machine that produces a consistent, high-quality product. The best technological innovation he has seen or would like to see is an Uber Eats style ice cream truck concept in New York, specializing specifically in ice cream delivery. Lastly, Ralph’s favorite flavor is the classic chocolate and vanilla twist. With a two and twist soft serve machine from Slice’s Concession, you can make the popular delicious treat.
Are you interested in opening your own frozen dessert venue? Here at Slices Concession, we have a wide assortment of frozen dessert machinery that can further enhance the experience of your venue. Whether it be a low volume countertop model to add a few additional menu items or a full standing model to carry you through your grand opening and beyond. We are the number one distributor in the nation of used ice cream and frozen drink machines. We feature popular brands such as Taylor, Stoelting, and Carpigiani. We have machines with both single and three-phase capability, as well as air or water-cooled. Our experts will help guide you in picking the best machine for your venue. With an east coast and west coast office, as well as stellar reviews on both Facebook and Google, you will see why we are trusted as the best. Visit our website, or if you are in the area, set up an appointment to stop by!
* Follow all local and national health codes. Always refer to local and national rules. This article is just a suggestion.
Taylor 794 |
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