Desserts are Best for Each Season

Which Frozen Desserts are Best for Each Season?

Posted on Jun 28, 2017

Frozen Dessert Season Photo

A successful Frozen Dessert Store knows their customers and needs. Their needs are constantly changing. Depending on which season it is, customers preferences change with the seasons. 


Summer is by far the busiest time of year for Frozen Desserts. It’s hot, people enjoy refreshing beverages.

“June is the highest production month of the year, but production remains strong through August to satisfy summer demand.” – International Dairy Association 

1. Fruit 

Fruit is in season and so are fruity flavors! You can’t go wrong with blueberry, peach, mango, raspberry, blackberry, banana, coconut, and honey flavors. 

For example, one of our previous customers at Lake Catherine Blueberries creates delicious soft serve using only fresh blueberries and natural ingredients. In the Summer, “30% of customers stop by our farm for ice cream or drinks.” 

2. Frozen Lemonade 

The great part about serving frozen lemonade is that it’s cheap, people love it on a hot day, & profit margins are huge. You can easily find all the ingredients at your local supermarket.

You can sell a 12 oz frozen product for $3-4 and your product cost will be under 10 cents for the product. These are very high margins of profit. On a hot Summer day, frozen lemonade outsells most other products. 

Many people use the Taylor 340 and 430 to make Frozen Lemonade. They are long-lasting machines that produce a high volume of product. In addition, the machine refills automatically and mixes in with the previous product mix. 


Autumn is that time of year when people are winding down from the Summer. School starts back up and work is in full swing. People look for something sweet, nutty, with a pinch of spice that makes everything nice. 

1. Pumpkin Spice

Starbuck’s isn’t the only competitor for Pumpkin Spice flavored beverages. When it comes to Pumpkin Spice, people go crazy for Pumpkin flavored gelato. At Slices Concession, we owned and operated our own Gelateria for 5+ years. We recommend using fresh natural ingredients, making small batches, and using a high quality machine. 

2. Pecan 

You can’t go wrong with Butter Pecan or Maple Pecan Ice Cream. Feel free to mix in or add caramel and fresh nuts. We recommend using a Batch Freezer. Batch Freezer’s are great for small to medium production. 


Winter ice cream sales are tough. However, you can minimize cost by winterizing your machine and serving winter flavor favorites. 

1. Gingerbread Cookie

One favorite flavor is Gingerbread Cookie! An exciting seasonal change to ‘cookies and cream’ ice cream flavor. A seasonal favorite that complements warm drinks such as hot chocolate, warm cider, and coffee/espresso. 

2. Peppermint 

Peppermint flavor is a holiday favorite in the Winter. Sprinkled with bits of peppermint candy and mixed with peppermint oil, this is one of the top winter sellers. 


Even though Spring occurs at different times for different store locations, you can still serve your customers delicious spring time favorites.

1. Salted Caramel 

You cannot go wrong with this flavor. The perfect combination of sweet and salty. There are many different variations to this flavor, but whichever one you choose, you won’t regret it. 

2. Sorbets

Sorbets are a great menu item to add during Spring. Simple ingredients make a simple, delicious product. Some flavor examples include: watermelon, matcha green tea, toasted almond, lemon basil, and cucumber. The Taylor C713 is a great machine that we recommend for making Sorbets.

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