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Posted on May 25, 2017
The Taylor 161 is great for establishments that want to add frozen desserts to their menu but with a small footprint. Its small size, electrical requirements, and price make it versatile . Great for operators who want to see if this great profit maker will work for their concept. From gas stations to cafes, the Taylor 161 frozen yogurt machine is a great foot in the door.
Machine Maintenance The machine comes with three different types of flavors . Two single flavors are dispensed from the end spouts while a single “swirl” option of which both of the flavors from the end spouts are combined into equal proportions. This swirl option creates a twist effect. The machine has a freezing cylinder with a capacity of 1.5 quarts. The product mix is gravity fed from the hopper to the freezing cylinder using a feed tube.
We recommend you read the Taylor 161 operator’s manual before using or doing any maintenance on the machine.
1. Reassembling The Machine After a thorough cleaning, it is important to use food grade lubricants on the machine. When putting together the beater, you must slide the O ring into the groove on the drive shaft. After this, apply lubricant to the ring & the shaft but do not apply lubricant to the hexagonal shaped end. Through the rear shell bearing, you insert the beater & make sure the hex end is firmly attached to the female socket of the machine. When properly placed, the beater should not extend beyond the freezing cylinder.
The Large O rings should be placed into their corresponding grooves in the back of the machine door. After, make sure you thoroughly lubricate them.
The front bearings should be slide in through the machine’s baffle rods, the flanged edge should be touching the door.
The white plastic guide bearings should be put firmly onto the ends of the baffle rods. You should not apply lubricant to the front or guide bearings.
Slide the slotted edges of the hand screws into the freezer door’s slots & firmly place the baffle rods into the center place of the beaters/ freezing cylinders.
Use your hands to tighten the guide bearings into the holes of the drive shaft. Make sure it is tight but not overly tight. The door spots on the bottom indicate that the freeze door is in the correct position.
The valve seal should be placed into the grooves of the center draw valve & then the seal should be lubricated. The seal keeps the mix from moving from one freezing cylinder to another. Repeat this process until all draw valves have their seals in their proper place & are lubricated.
The inside of the freezer door spouts should be lubricated at the bottom & then insert the draw valves into the freezer door from the bottom until the slot hole in the draw valves are visible.
 Each pivot pin should have the O ring slid firmly into place in the groove area, then add lubricant. The tips of the draw handles should be aligned with the holes of draw valves. The handles should be secured with the two pivot pins.
The design caps should be snapped into place at the bottom of the freezer door spouts.Â
Feed tubes should be placed at the bottom of the mix hoppers. 2. Sanitizing The Machine We recommend you make a 100 ppm sanitization solution with warm water & follow the instructions given in the Taylor 161 operator’s manual . Pour the solution into the hopper so it flows into the freezing cylinder & clean with the hopper with a brush, clean the feeding tube & escape hole. Turn on your machine & make it function in wash mode for a minimum of six minutes so that the solution can clean the machine’s insides thoroughly. Then pour the solution into the draw valves so that it sanitizes the machine entirely & so your solution leaves the machine.
3. Priming The Machine For Production A machine should be primed as close as possible to the next production of the soft serve mix. Place a bucket under the spouts and hold the draw valves open while filling the mix hopper with fresh liquid mix. Close the draw valves when the mix is pouring out of the spout. Install the feed tube when the mix has finished bubbling and moving down into the freezing cylinder. Next, you press the auto button so that when the production cycle turns off, the product is automatically ready to serve. Put back into place the mix hopper cover and the front drip tray & splash shield. The drip pans should be firmly placed into the holes under the spouts in front of the machine.
4. Disassembling & Rinsing The Machine Have brushes, paper towels, & a gallon of cleaning solution ready for cleaning the machine.
First, you need to drain the remaining product. Press the auto key to stop the machine then press the mix ref button to stop refrigeration in the hopper. Try to shut of the machine much before you begin to clean it so that cleaning the frozen product is much easier.
Second, remove the hopper cover, feeding tubes, & rubber gaskets and manually clean them in a sink.
Third, place a bucket under the spouts, open the draw valves & allow the product mix to fully pour out of the machine. Once completed, close the valves & press the wash button to stop the wash mode.
Fourth, pour a gallon of warm cleaning solution into the hoppers & scrub the hopper & holes with a brush. Place a bucket underneath the machine spouts & press the wash button & open to draw valves to allow the cleaning solution to pour completely. Repeat the fourth step until the finished rinse water is completely clear in the bucket.
Fifth, turn off the machine completely & remove the freezer door & remove the beaters, front drip tray, splash guard, & drip pans & clean in a sink. Make sure the parts are completely disassembled & washed thoroughly as well as the machine.
Sixth, set out the parts to dry & wipe down machine with paper towels. Taylor 161 Video
Features The Taylor 161 comes fully equipped with two 1.4liter (1.5 quarts) capacity freezing cylinders and two 7.6 liters (8 quarts) mix hoppers that maintain mix below 41ºF (5ºC). It also has easy to clean air filters, standby feature of safe product temperatures, electronic controls with indicator light & a door interlock system to keep the beater from operating without the dispensing door in place.
Specifications The weight of the machine is 305 pounds and the dimensions of the machine are 21″ W, 25-3/4″ D, & 29-3/8″ H. The machine is a countertop model which has two separate flavors and a twist option. The machine is gravity fed & has viscosity control technology.
Are you interested in opening your own frozen dessert venue? Here at Slice’s Concession, we have a wide assortment of frozen dessert machinery that can further enhance the experience of your venue. Whether it be a low volume countertop model to add a few additional menu items, or a full standing model to carry you through your grand opening and beyond. We are the number one distributor in the nation of used ice cream and frozen drink machines. We feature popular brands such as Taylor, Stoelting, and Carpigiani. We have machines with both single and three-phase capability, as well as air or water-cooled. Our experts will help guide you in picking the best machine for your venue. With an east coast and west coast office, as well as stellar reviews on both Facebook and Google, you will see why we are trusted as the best. Visit our website, or if you are in the area, set up an appointment to stop by!
Get Machine or Parts Help. Unlike dealers or manufacturers, we are operators with hands-on experience across 9 brands and 150+ models.
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