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Posted on Dec 02, 2017
Why Sell Frozen Lemonade? To keep it simple, frozen lemonade is a very inexpensive product to sell. People absolutely love a refreshing drink on a hot day, & the profit margins of this particular drink are high. Also, keep in mind that there is no shortage of the ingredients you need, nor is it difficult to find at your local grocery store or supermarket.
When it comes to selling frozen desserts, you can easily sell a 12 Oz cup of frozen lemonade for $4 to $5 and your costs of making it will be under 10 cents per cup. It’s easy to increase profits, since these products have very high profit margins.
Let us tell you a little story: In 2017 we attended the International Independent Showmen’s Association (I.I.S.A.) convention in Gibsonton, Florida where we decided to showcase our commercial lemonade machines, and the capacity to produce some of the most exquisite and refreshing frozen lemonade. Concessionaires and carnival goers alike would all stop by our booth in amazement to see just how frozen beverage machines work. We showcased a Taylor 430 & 340 machine and we got great vibes from the crowd and a curiosity on how to serve and prepare frozen lemonade.
What Are The Sales Numbers? Total Costs: $6.31-Numbers are based on 3 gallon batches Water: about 67% of the recipe, costs $0.01 for 2 gallons of water.Sugar: $0.80 for 3lbs of sugar which is about 0.68 gallons (23% of the total ingredients needed).Lemon Juice: costs $5.50 for 42 Oz (0.32 gallons) which is about 10% of the entire recipe. Total Profit: $121.69-32 cups x 12 Oz = 3 Gallons Price Per Cup Sold: Each cup is sold at $4 per each 12 Oz serving.Revenue: $128 revenue per 3 gallon batch.Net Profit: $128 (revenue) – $6.31 (costs) = $121.69 profit per 3 gallon batch.
How To Make Frozen Lemonade?
Keep in mind that you can serve frozen lemonade any way you choose and can even add toppings and fresh fruits to offer variety choices to your customers. For example: you can add fresh strawberries, mango purées, iced tea, etc.
Ingredients: 1 Gallon (3.8 liters) of water
1.5 lbs. of sugar
0.62 liters (21 Oz) of lemon juice Preparation: All you need to do is make sugar water & add lemon juice. This is done by heating the sugar and water in a container on a stove or microwave until the sugar dissolves into the water. After this is done, you mix the lemon juice into it. This makes about 5.7 liters (1.5 Gallons) of product mix.
Why Do I Need Commercial Grade Machines? Commercial grade lemonade business equipment is necessary for 3 reasons:
Quality & Temperature Control On a very hot day coolers, bags of ice, & temperature controlling containers won’t be enough to keep your product at a temperature that customers expect it to be on a hot day. A frozen drink machine is designed to be constantly cooled by a water/air system and has a barrel that is constantly refilling, cooling, & mixing the product for consistency between the first and last cup you serve.
High Volume Production Selling a pitcher of fresh squeezed lemonade here and there is good when you’re a 5 year old at the neighborhood street corner but when you have an established business with a frozen dessert operation, you need to be able to produce high quantities. The more your product satisfies a customer’s needs the more demand you will have and the more customers will come to your venue for your product. The commercial-grade frozen lemonade machines are made with such durable materials that they are designed for a constant production of high volume product without losing its taste, texture, or coolness.
Profitability When you account for all the costs that you would have to pay if you didn’t have a machine (like extra labor, extra bowls & pitchers, ice to keep the product cool) you can see very clearly that having a high volume machine can save you lots of money in the long run and can, therefore, increase profits.
What Machines Do I Need? Taylor 430 The Taylor 430 is a counter top model and has a specially designed viscosity control that helps you to serve a wide variety of different frozen beverages with different thicknesses.Total Volume: 17 Liters Venues recommended: Frozen drink carts, food trucks, small cafes, etc. Taylor 340 The 340 has a bit more volume capacity than the 430 does but it is still a table/counter top model.Total Volume: 25.5 Liters Venues recommended: Cafes, small restaurants, ice cream shops, etc. Taylor 342 This is a full standing model designed for high volume sales. It has 2 barrels and 2 hoppers which means you can easily have 2 separate frozen lemonade mix flavors running at the same time.Total Volume: 51 Liters Venues recommended: any type of venue that has a high volume sale of frozen drinks.
Get Machine or Parts Help. Unlike dealers or manufacturers, we are operators with hands-on experience across 9 brands and 150+ models.
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